Educational Consulting

A team with varied professional and cultural backgrounds

Quite often, schools and other educational institutions are rich in knowledgeable educators and educational leaders but still struggle to transfer their vision into reality. Similarly, an organisation may find itself stagnant, either because it is difficult to agree and formulate a vision or it exists but change has been cumbersome, unstructured and inefficient.


Leveraging on many years of pedagogical and organisational innovation at CLIP – Oporto International School, CLIP AdvancEd offers a team of educational consultants with varied professional and cultural backgrounds who understand the process and leadership for change.


Our educational and organisational consulting services are based on the premise that “no recipe fits all”. Thus, we aim to support change and accelerate the development of innovative learning experiences, tailored to each school’s context, culture and principles.


We offer services in the following areas:


  • Integrated Learning
    Structures and professional development for widespread implementation of methodologies and teaching strategies of integrated, interdisciplinary, conceptual-based and hands-on approaches to learning.

  • Specific learning strategies
    Professional development courses and coaching targeting specific learning and teaching strategies: cooperative learning, concept-based learning, problem-based learning, differentiation.

  • Competencies to enhance learning
    Support in the creation of a context-specific, principles-aligned framework for transferable competencies, with roll-out into classroom practices and coaching for competencies development in students.
  • Planning for learning
    Professional development and on-the-job training on strategic decision and curriculum structuring to support approaches to learning: Understand by Design (UbD), Problem-Based Learning, Project-Based Learning.

Depending on where your institution is at, each type of our services can be offered at four different levels:


  • Explore
    Analyse readiness and possibilities for change

  • Envision
    Strategic planning and tailored processes of implementation

  • Execute
    Process and systems implementation, change management, training and alignment of leadership and teachers

  • Excel
    Analysis and evaluation of strategic areas for further growth and innovation


If you have any further questions or if there is any specific area where you or your institution needs support in growing, please send us an e-mail: